At some point in your career you will be faced with the question of whether or not to pay for web hosting services. There is no need to think about it any further, paid hosting beats free hosting any day of the week. The only obvious upside to free web hosting is that it is completely free, registration is fast and it will not cost you a dime to host your website.
1. One of the cons with free web hosting is that you must obide by the hosting company's policies and procedures. They display unwanted advertisements on your site, and it can get in the way of a good website experience. Those that do not display ads usually give little disk space and bandwidth. With paid hosting, you can reap the benefits of having plenty of disk space and bandwidth, while enjoying an ad-free experience.
2. The second downside is that there is little or no support. If a server is down or another error occurs, you are pretty much screwed. You can contact their helpdesk, but you will not be given priority because you are using free hosting.
3. With free web hosting the best you can get is a subdomain. ( It is not as professional as having your own domain, and if you want to have a long term business on the internet I'd recommend you register your own domain. (
So what are you waiting for? If you are still using free hosting, upgrade to paid hosting and reap all their benefits.
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